
About the Library


Library facilitates benefiting to the professors members, undergraduate, high students, staff of faculty from its references. from the official services which performs, and helps in scientific progress, and on supporting of the curriculums, and the teaching process by faculty, to ride mount of the development in the libraries and the information to accomplish the requested goals from it to give beneficiaries needs by faculty and others outside it, whom their researches relate to scientific field for the library, which includes physical therapy specialization and other related sciences like the medicine and humanities, so it contributes to make scientific production is original and renewed always in Egypt and the Arabic world.

The work time in the library:
The library is opening its doors for the gentlemen students and researchers every day from the hour nine mornings until the hour three noon midday except Friday.

Historical brief about the library:
In1962 the thinking tended to establishing the high institute for the physical therapy on condition of joining temporarily as division in the high institute for the athletics , In year 1976 the institute joined to Cairo university, after supervision of the high education ministry, and considers the first from its kind in the Arabic countries and the Middle East, where establishing it to faced needs of our republican and the surrounding cities for the specialists of the physical therapy. In 6/1/1992 issued the presidential decision by number 2 for year 1992 for modification of the name of the high institute for the physical therapy to faculty of the physical therapy, and join to Cairo university forthright.
The library is following to the vice dean of graduates studies and research affairs, and faculty administration specified distance in its new building, amount to 285 millimeter for the hall of main library approximately, and include on The information medium such as scientific specialized books, in addition to the division of photography for researchers service, and 35 millimeter for room storing of the theses and periodicals, and the used furniture designed for allow facilitation and ease of presentation of the services of office and research.
The library includes the books, the scientific references, the academic theses, periodicals, tapes of the video, and the appended cylinders in the books and the theses, which respond to the need of professors members, faculty students, and the researchers in physical therapy field , according to the authorized eight faculty departments in presently, that (BASIC SCIENCE, BIOMECHANICS, PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPARTMENT FOR GYNECOLOGY AND obstetrics, PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPARTMENT FOR MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS, PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPARTMENT FOR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT DISORDERS IN CHILDREN AND ITS SURGERY, PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPARTMENT FOR SURGERY, PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPARTMENT FOR CARDIOPULMONARY DISORDERS AND GERIATRICS, PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPARTMENT FOR NEUROMUSCULAR AND NEUROSURGICAL DISORDERS), in additional to other branches of medicine.

Goals of the library:
In order to carrying out the goals, the library perform the following jobs:

a- acquisition of the books, the references, periodicals, the theses and other information medium, which useful for the students, and researchers in physical therapy field, In the following statement of groups accounts of the library in 30/6/2009:

number of books number of theses number of periodicals
Arabic  English Master Doctoral English
274    5413 741 243 38


The specified budget for purchase of the books during the period from 2005 - 2009:

Year Budget
2005  eighty seven thousand pound.
2006 sixty thousand pound.
2007 sixty thousand pound.
2008 sixty thousand pound.
2009 sixty thousand pound.

Year Budget
b- The arrangement of acquisitions, and facilitate the knowledge of it.
Presentation of that the services by number of the specialized and nonspecialized laborers in libraries field

Team work